Decode formatted HTML-encoded string data which was previously encoded into HTML entities characters.
HTML entity is a string that starts with an ampersand '&' and ending with a semicolon ';'. Entities are used instead of reserved characters (&, <,>, '') that are interpreted as HTML code, invisible characters (such as no-break spaces), and non keyboard entry characters (such as ©).
This tool allows your to decode text that can be safely put into HTML files. Some characters have special meaning in HTML, and should be represented by HTML entities if their if meanings are to preserved.
The opposite of escape, replaces &, <, >, ", ` and ' with their unescaped counterparts.
HTML is a markup language, so special characters and particularly < > brackets are important to how the browser reads and displays the HTML. Other normal letters work fine.
Schema-based XML does not accept the designated character entities (sometimes called html-encoded characters). For instance, it is not permitted to accept é or ©. You must use their numerical representation, é or-respectively, to use these characters. These are called numerical entities, indicated by the # (hash or pound). All entities must end with the ';' character.
A few special characters are:
We'll also explain why decoding HTML is important for webmasters and developers.
The World Wide Web has become an integral part of our lives. It's used by everyone from small businesses to large corporations, and even governments. But there's a lot that goes into making websites, and understanding how to code HTML will give you a leg up on other web designers.
If you're a developer, you need to understand how to decode HTML so you can make changes to your website. This includes things like adding new pages, editing existing ones, and fixing broken links. You might also use HTML to add special features to your site, such as embedding videos or images.
HTML tags are used to format text on websites. They allow you to control what appears on a webpage by changing the font size, color, and other formatting options. There are several different kinds of tags, each with its own purpose. Here's an overview of some of the most common tags.
A header is a section at the top of a document that contains information such as the title, author, date, and so forth. It usually includes a logo or graphic image. A footer is a section at the bottom of a document that contains copyright information, links to related pages, and so forth.
To make websites more visually appealing, designers use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). This allows them to style elements of a website using different colors, fonts, and other visual effects. CSS is used to control how text appears on a webpage, whether it's displayed horizontally or vertically, and even what happens when a user clicks on an element.
To add images to a web page, you need to understand HTML code. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's a set of tags that allow you to format text and insert graphics into a web page. You can learn more about HTML by visiting W3Schools.com.
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think ‘I know, I’ll use regular expressions.’ Now they have two problems.