Javascript is a computer language devised make web pages interactive. It is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language ans is a small and lightweight.
Getting started with JavaScript is easy: all you need is a modern Web browser.
JavaScript is without question one of the most popular programming languages in web development. Whether you are utilizing React, Vue, or Angular, it’s all just JavaScript. A broad and vital ecosystem has evolved around JS, offering tons and tons of frameworks and libraries that help you develop applications faster.
The JavaScript snippet collection contains a wide variety of ES6 helper functions. It includes helpers dealing with primitives, arrays, objects, algorithms, DOM manipulation functions, and JS utilities.
When developing a program in JavaScript (or any language, for that matter), you will often find yourself choosing between DIY code and existing code snippets to do what you need. Finding the snippet, you need when you need it can save you a lot of time and prevent those JavaScript writing headaches.
If this sounds compelling to you, here’s a list of valuable snippets taken from this project that you can learn and use immediately.