Reverse IP Domain Checker Tool is an excellent tool, for those who are using shared hosting services. This tool will check your IP address and if you are using shared hosting services it will display the domains and links of other websites that share your IP address. If there are problematic websites, an icon will display to identify the type of risk.
Checking will find all A records associated with an IP address. The results can pinpoint several website being served from a single web server.
A public IP does not inherently resolve to only one domain name. Multiple domain names can share one public IP address. For hosting companies this is a simple best practice that helps them to reduce the expense of putting domains on the internet. The Domain Lookup Tool reverse IP will list all domains hosting that resolve to the same site.
Domain reverse IP lookup, takes an IP address or domain name, and runs a search for that domain to reveal all the domain names hosted on the server quickly. The domain registrars do not enforce the legal requirements of domain names, such as domain records and whois details.
The IT industry is often asked, "How is an IP address different from a domain name?" Although almost everyone has heard of internet and web design, they don't know what an IP address is. When they hear the term 'IP,' most people automatically associate it with the concept of the internet. But do you know how it is defined?
An IP address is a number assigned by an ISP (internet service provider). It is unique to each internet-connected device and is used to identify a computer or internet connection. However, there are other uses for IPs apart from identifying internet connections. A domain name can represent your IP address, which is much easier to remember.
You can think of an IP address and a domain as two sides to the same coin. There is the hostname on one side and the IP on the other. These two entities refer to the same thing, and they serve the same purpose. But what does it mean to have one domain name and a different IP address for each domain name?
An IP address represents a specific location. The ISP assigns this location to each machine. Each time you visit a webpage on the internet, the device that connects to the web automatically transfers the address from the server to the host machine. When you type in a domain name in the address bar, the browser automatically looks up the DNS server to find the name you want and then presents it to you. When you ask how a domain is translated into an IP address, it asks how the IP address was interpreted by the computer that you use to view the website.
Less than 10% of the code has to do with the ostensible purpose of the system; the rest deals with input-output, data validation, data structure maintenance, and other housekeeping.