An online PNG to Base64 tool is a web-based application that converts PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image files into Base64-encoded strings. Base64 encoding is a method of converting binary data (like images) into an ASCII string format. This encoding is commonly used to embed image data directly into HTML, CSS, or JSON files, eliminating the need for external image files and simplifying data transfer over media designed to deal with text.
To use image as a link in HTML, use the <img> and embedd the <a> tag with the href attribute. These html tags can be used for specific reason
Within the image tag src attribute, include the URL of the image and specify the height and width to limit the size.
The data URI provides a way to include your image in-line in web pages as if they were external resources. You can embed the image data directly into the document with data URIs.
data:[<mime type>][;charset=<charset>][;base64],<encoded data>
Embedded images should be stored in cacheable files such as flat, not dynamic, HTML and style sheets. Data URI style sheets should be cached long term, rename the file on each update.
The file size increases by approximately 30% which may be offset by serving as part of a compressed (gzip / deflate) file.
<img src=":image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==" />
Feature | PNG | JPEG |
Compression | Lossless | Lossy |
Image Quality | Maintains original quality | Some quality loss |
File Size | Larger | Smaller |
Transparency | Full support | No support |
Color Depth | Up to 24-bit color, supports transparency | Up to 24-bit color |
Best For | Graphics, logos, icons, screenshots | Photographs, web images with no transparency needs |
It’s OK to figure out murder mysteries, but you shouldn’t need to figure out code. You should be able to read it.