The Convert Case tool takes a string as input and Change letters to other character case (Camel case, Snake case, Pascal case, Dot case, path/case, Text case, Sentence case, Header case, Upper case, Lower case).
The string below is converted as follows:
"string CamelCase param-case UPPER_CASE snake_case sentence case Title Case dot.case"
Convert letters to camel case: Camel Case spaces are removed between words and capitalized on the first letter of each word. Camel case is the practice of capitalizing each word's first letter in a series and removing spaces, underscores, numbers, hyphens, and other special characters afterwards.
Letters to snake case: Snake case blends terms by replacing each space with an underscore (_), and all letters are capitalized as follows in the all caps version. When capitalized this style is often used as a convention in many languages to declare constants. When cased lower, it is conventionally used to declare field names in the database.
Change text to sentence case: Sentence Case-capitalizes the first letter of the first word and all "I" characters in the sentence.
Change text from any case to lowercase: Takes mixed case words or sentence and converts to lower case all letters.
Change text from all caps to lowercase: Takes capitalized letters or phrases and converts to lower case all letters.
Convert small letters to capital letters: Takes lower characters and converts all letters to upper case.
Convert uppercase to lowercase: Makes every letter in the selected text lowercase.
String Case Function | Converted Result |
Camel Case Conversion | stringCamelCaseParamCaseUpperCaseSnakeCaseSentenceCaseTitleCaseDotCase |
Dot Case Conversion | string.camel.case.param.case.upper.case.snake.case.sentence.case.title.case.dot.case |
Header Case Conversion | String Camel Case Param Case Upper Case Snake Case Sentence Case Title Case Dot Case |
Lower Case Conversion | string camelcase param-case upper_case snake_case sentence case title case dot.case |
Pascal Case Conversion | StringCamelCaseParamCaseUpperCaseSnakeCaseSentenceCaseTitleCaseDotCase |
Path Case Conversion | string/camel/case/param/case/upper/case/snake/case/sentence/case/title/case/dot/case |
Sentence Case Conversion | String camel case param case upper case snake case sentence case title case dot case |
Snake Case Conversion | string_camel_case_param_case_upper_case_snake_case_sentence_case_title_case_dot_case |
Text Case Conversion | string camel case param case upper case snake case sentence case title case dot case |
Title Case Conversion | String Camelcase Param-Case Upper_case Snake_case Sentence Case Title Case Dot.Case |
A naming convention is a set of rules for choosing the character sequence used for identifiers that represents variables, types, functions, and other entities in source code.
Some reasons for using a naming convention include the following:
Passwords are like underwear: you don’t let people see it, you should change it very often, and you shouldn’t share it with strangers.