Hexadecimal colors are an essential part of web design, and they're used to create vibrant colors on websites.
Hexadecimal colors (also known as HEX) are a way of representing colors in computer programs. They're made up of six numbers representing each color's red, green, blue, and yellow components.
We'll teach you how to use them.
Open the file in Photoshop or Illustrator and select the Rectangle Tool. Click once inside the box and drag it outwards until you've got a rectangle shape. Then click again and hold down Shift while clicking outside the box. This will make sure that the corners are rounded off.
Now you need to choose a hexadecimal code for each color. To do this, open up the color picker by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C (Windows) or Command+Option+C (Mac). You should see a list of hex codes at the bottom of the window. Choose one of these codes and press Enter.
Once you've selected a custom color, click OK. A new dialog box will appear with a preview of the color. If you want to edit the color further, click the pencil icon next to the color name. This opens the color palette, where you can change the color.
To choose hexadecimal colors, select Hexadecimal from our list of available color options. You can also type hex into the search bar at the top right corner of the color picker window.
Once you've selected the hex value, click OK. A new box will appear with the hex code next to it. Copy the hex code and paste it into your website's HTML editor.