Remove Duplicate Lines tool assists you to delete lines that occurs multiple times within a list.
All of your words, numbers, and other data are compared in structured lists. This tool has many features, such as putting your text in a list, removing HTMLs, and reversing the order (ZYX).
Your list will only contain unique items and no repeated text lines.
Follow these steps to alphabetize your data.
List sorting is helpful for users who are new to sorting lists and require assistance comprehending the formatting standards.
Start List
product XXX product bbb product aaa product XXX product fff PRODUCT AAA product XXX
Result using - 'Sort Order': None 'Letter Case': Ignore
product XXX product bbb product aaa product fff PRODUCT AAA
Result using - 'Sort Order': None 'Letter Case': Lower
product xxx product bbb product aaa product fff
BASIC is to computer programming as QWERTY is to typing.