How Do You Create Credit Card Number Test Data?
Generate fake Credit Card numbers for eCommerce testing purposes or test transactions purposes only. These card can be used to test the authorization, capture, and credit services. When using test cards, you can specify an expiry date up to five years in the future and any 3 digits for the CVV code. You can check with your payment gateway provider for cards numbers that trigger specific error codes to simulate different types of transactions.
All credit card numbers are divided into 3 parts:
- Issuer Identifier – 6 digits to identify the issuer of the card.
- Account Number – 6 to 9 digits to identify the individual account number.
- Check Digit – 1 digit computed as a checksum of the Issuer Identifier and the Account Number based on Luhn algorithm.
Expiration Date must be a valid date in the future (use the mmyy format).
CVV number can be any 3 digits (ie: 123, 654, etc).
For example, credit card number “4532 2937 2616 5731” consists of:
“4532 29” – Identifies a Visa partner as the issuer.
“372616573” – Identifies the holder’s account number.
“1” – Gives the checksum number.
What Credit Card Numbers Mean?
ANSI Standard X4.13-1983 is the system used by most national credit-card systems. The specific number imprinted on a credit card is a credit card number.
The first six digits on a credit card are called the identification number of the issuer. For example, they identify the issuer-Discover, or American Express. The remaining digits in a credit card number are unique to each card.
Credit card numbers are typically embossed, a relic of the days attributed to a visible image Credit card numbers are usually embossed, a remnant the days when a physical impression of credit cards were made through zip-zap machines.
Moreover, credit cards also have additional digits that are often needed to perform a transaction, especially when the card is not present, such as placing a telephone or internet order. These are the three-digit numbers on the back of MasterCard , Visa and Discover cards or the four-digit numbers on an American Express card. These codes were introduced in the late 1990s in response to the need to validate the growing number of Internet transactions.
Major Credit Card Networks
Our Test Credit Card Number generator creates dummy credit card number generation for use by your developers. It give a list of numbers for fake number generating. The first digit in your credit-card number signifies the card network.
- fake visa credit card number generator – Begin with a 4 and has 13 or 16 digits.
- fake mastercard number generator – Begin with a 5 and has 16 digits.
- fake amx card number generator – Begin with a 3, followed by a 4 or a 7 has 15 digits.
List of Fake Credit Card Numbers
- Visa Card : 4916769724066803, 4539365039828
- MasterCard : 5463005897878334, 5225259154008742
- Visa Card (13) : 4539365039828, 4929251266405
- American Express: 340187464785710, 378057245120401
Some Card Terms and their Meanings
- Credit Card - Credit cards are a form of revolving loan by where the cardholder can access a line of credit to make purchases, cash advances, or balance transfers. As the outstanding balance is paid, the available credit line is restored for use again.
- Cardholder - An individual to whom a credit card is issued. Typically, this individual is also responsible for the payment of all charges made to that card. Corporate cards are an exception to this rule.
- CVV2/CVC2 - A three-digit security code that is printed on the back of credit cards
- Personal Identification Number (PIN) - The number used to access their account to get cash at an ATM machine or make other PIN verified transactions. The computer automatically generates a number, then sealed and sent to the cardholder. (Ex. Gas station charges)
- Issuer – is an institution that issues credit cards to cardholders. This institution is also responsible for billing the cardholder for charges.
- Merchant/Accepter - An individual, organization, or corporation that accepts credit cards for merchandise or services.
- Credit Limit - The amount of credit made available for you to use.
- Billing Cycle - The date that your statement is produced every month. The cycle date appears on every statement, regardless of holidays or non-working days. The payment due date occurs at least 22 days later. Interest accrues at the time of the statement cycles.
Credit Card Generator With Zip Code In USA
You have been searching for a credit card generator with zip code but couldn't find one. Well, here is the solution!
This tool will generate a random credit card number with zip code.
If you need a random credit card number, then use our free online credit card generator with zipcode. It's easy to use and generates a random credit card number.
This tool will generate random credit cards with zip codes from the United States.
Our free online credit card generator is straightforward to use. Just enter your zip code and click "Generate". Then you will receive a random credit card number with zip code.